For Eunsang
To the bestest boy in the whole universe. 🥰
So.. hi! If you’re seeing this that means I wasn’t a whole coward and I actually went through with giving this to you :) woohooo hooray for that! Anyways. We’ve known each other for a bit and I just thought that a night like the Yule Ball would be a perfect time to dedicate something to you to be able to tell you how I feel for real. Just something cute to match your cute proposal, that sort of stuff! When it comes to how I feel about you, well.. I feel a lot of stuff. You’re so amazing so every second around you feels so new and happy when I’m with you. It's just all so very very amazing and heart-fluttering, that sort of stuff. I smile like an idiot whenever I'm around you really ;u;; I am extra soft for you and all of your amazingness! I think we just match well in a lot of things, like our own preferences and personalities aren't too off. When I'm around you, I've just always been naturally comfortable from the start, even when we didn't know each other too well. When we did start to actually get to know each other, I realized that I was falling for you pretty fast. Like very fast, actually. I think I fall for you more everyday. Even when you're busy and away, my feelings didn't waiver- if anything, I think they got stronger as I waited. Not trying to make it seem like you've been gone ~forever~ or anything like that, because I understand that everyone has their busy periods and I don't want to make you feel bad for the unpreventable. I'll probably have my own times from time to time too.. So, I just want you to feel great and amazing every second, the way you are, because you've allowed me that luxury first. And I think since we've already came to a point where we know our feelings are mutual, well..